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Successful International Dating With Realistic Expectations

Webcast Content Video

Often we hear that the act of international dating carries exposure to pure scams and deceit.

While some foreign women who avail themselves to men for dates abroad may sometimes have dishonest intentions, these stereotypes should not be applied to all women interested in dating foreign men.

John Adams has pioneered the international dating platform as a matchmaker and spokesman for the process. Having met his wife Tanya in St Petersburg Russia, John can attest first hand to what makes a man successful.

Promoting realistic expectations and self-awareness during the dating process, John has assisted countless men and women in international courtship, leading to many marriages and families.

John's passion for international matchmaking has brought national attention through hundreds of global media outlets, including the Today Show, MTV, Dr Phil, and 2 major motion pictures, including the Netflix Documentary Love Me.

Premio AFA

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