Intourist Hotel
The Intourist Hotel provides 458 rooms - including 89 first class rooms, 369 second class rooms, 15 deluxe suites,
74 suites, 4 restaurants and 5 bars.
From $70 + VAT
Address: 3/5, Tverskaya Str.
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Appartamenti della Città Straniera
The Intourist Hotel provides 458 rooms - including 89 first class rooms, 369 second class rooms, 15 deluxe suites,
74 suites, 4 restaurants and 5 bars.
From $70 + VAT
Address: 3/5, Tverskaya Str.
Date e Moduli del Tour
Tour delle Città Europee
Tour delle Città dell'America Latina
Tour della Città Asiatica
Informazioni Dettagliate sui Tour
Premio AFA