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This Month's Featured Special

Open Order Reservation with Bonuses!

Any AFA Singles Tour will be the most unforgettable experience you will ever have, and may very well change your life forever.

We know how difficult it is for some of our clients to choose one tour over another, so for those of you who need a little extra incentive (as if after viewing the hundreds of beautiful profiles you really need any extra incentive!) we are offering an open order for $325 that will give you Three months of Platinum Membership and $100 Phone Translation as a bonus along with the step by step Fiance Visa Kit, including all necessary forms for K-1 visa application, and the "Foreign Bride 101" written by Bud Patterson. You will receive $370.00 in goods and services when you place your initial $325.00 deposit securing your place on the tour of your choice, Once you select a tour, the deposit of $325 will be taken off the tour price.

By placing your Open Reservation, you can begin corresponding with many women in anticipation of having the opportunity to soon meet them when you determine your tour dates. You may set a tentative tour date now or leave it open completely until you are certain of your schedule. There is no penalty for switching tour dates.

Free $100.00 Phone Translation with all Open tour orders. Use it to call the women profiled on the AFA site. Our typical Open Reservation gives you one month of Platinum Membership and now you will be given two extra months to communicate with women from the website. This is a great special and if you are thinking of taking a tour in the future, you don not want to pass up on this Open Reservation bonus plan!!

*This offer cannot be combined with any other offers

*The $100.00 Phone Translation has no cash value and can only be used for Phone Translation.

Featured Tour

Premio AFA

5 Volte Vincitore!

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Idate Vincitore. Miglior programma di affiliazione 2018 Miglior Programma di Affiliazione
Idate Vincitore. 2016 Miglior sito di incontri di nicchia 2016 Miglior Sito di Incontri di Nicchia
Idate Vincitore. 2014 Miglior sito di incontri di nicchia 2014 Miglior Sito di Incontri di Nicchia
Idate Vincitore. Miglior programma di affiliazione 2014 Miglior Programma di Affiliazione

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